Monday, April 13, 2009

List of Barack Obama Achievements

February 6. 2010

Forget Health care. President gives Republicans a whoppin censored by FOX NEWS. But I have it here. President Obama teaching the Republicans

Big Victory for Organic and Small Farmers:

VICTORY! U.S.D.A. Plans to Drop Program to Trace Livestock • By William Neuman The New York Times, Feb 5, 2010 Straight to the Source Faced with stiff resistance from ranchers and farmers, the Obama administration has decided to scrap a national program intended to help authorities quickly identify and track livestock in the event. See for more.

Dec 21, 2009

Health Care Reform Looking Good

1) Health Care Reform now has 60 votes- progressives see it as a bail out but maybe the profit can be whittled out of the health insurance reform in years to come to keep the price coming down. As Hartmann questions, if it is true that we only need 51 votes to pass the finished bill [after the house reconciles the bill with the Senate- a procedural item] this is definitely a bill to pass. Further, as caller said and as Senator Jim Demente from South Carolina we could validate all the tea party trash of August, 2009. On the other hand, we give 30 million customers to the health insurers at a 30% profit. Though again, on the other hand, I read and will need to confirm that the progressives tightened the cap that says insurance must spend 85% of premiums on actual health care (from 70%). This would be working on taking the profit out of health care altogether.

Republicans for Rape/ Al Franken's ammendment The President Signs

2) As announced on Thom Hartmann’s ‘Caught you doing something right segment.’ Women now have the right to sue if corporations rape their employees! See ‘Republicans for Rape.’ President Obama signs into law Al Franken’s amendment in response to the KBR incident in which a young woman was raped and kept in a container for days with no medical care and KBR was never held accountable. The guard guarding the lady felt sorry for her and eventually did the right thing and helped her, however the Republicans refused to support the Franken amendment as they all take money and salute free enterprise.

September 17, 2009
This afternoon, the House passed the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (HR 3221) by avote of 253-171. The bill ensures that higher education is more affordable at no additional expense to taxpayers รข€“ in fact, it saves money. More students will go to college, they will graduate with less debt, and the federal loan initiatives that they and their families depend upon will be strengthened for decades to come. The legislation will generate almost $100 billion in savings over the next 10 years that will be used to increase Pell Grant scholarships, keep interest rates on federal loans affordable, and safeguard federal student loan access for families. The largest investment in the history of our legislation. Three pillars of Baracks turn around plan. Investment in education, healthcare, and good green jobs.
Scrapping Bush’s plans for missile defense system placement in Czechleslovakia and Poland; Russia is glad as this relieves tension between them and the USA.

September 14, 2009 The President addresses Wall St Tells them they must be regulated.
September 14, 2009 Thom Hartmann guest from Labor discussing how Obama puts on Chinese Tire Tariff to save jobs in America. Ed S Show- Leo Girard, United Steel Workers ” No other president has stood up for the American Worker since Ronald Reagan.”Millions of Chinese workers get injured daily. As prisoners, they run steel mills. Sent to prison for trying to unionize. Cooper Tire built a factory in China targeted for export. Workers there are paid 2 -3 dollars per day Within about 10 years, the Chinese have increased their steel output from 150 Million Tons to 500 million tons and 40% of the world’s steel as their government built. Cheating on WTO laws. President Obama said enough is enough! While Republicans and Chamber of Commerce fought our Bernie Sanders Sherrod Brown etc put in a Buy America Clause – they said nothing when China implemented a stimulus twice the size of ours, and mandated products/ industries made in China by Chinese workers. 40-50% of our debt is with China. Either devaluate your currency or 1.2 Trillion dollars of our treasury bills. If our dollar devalues, that’s a loss for China’s investment in America. If they devalue our dollar, they devalue their own investments in holding our debt.
September 13, 2008 Pfizer pharmaceutical fined 2.3 billion dollars for off label use by the Obama Department of Justice.
August 7, 2009
Bill Clinton and Al Gore rescued the two journalists hired by Al’s Link TV. Sonya Sotameyor to be on Supreme Course. Unemployment numbers trending down. Astro turf at the town halls.
August 2, 2009 Experts are claiming recession could be over. Cash for Clunkers is super successful
July 31 B Roll July 28th, 2009, 10:23 am On Thom Hartmann board Home page

This is so distressing. People are more interested in their own opinions and supposed facts that support their opinions. And to tell you the truth, I’m not sure that we are much better than those on the conservative side.
I think this would apply to both John McCain and Barack Obama since it predates both of their births by a long shot. It’s from an article about the question of McCain’s eligibility to be president at The article does state that the issue hasn’t been resolved in court.
But McCain is a natural-born citizen, even though he was not born within this country’s borders, since his parents were citizens at the time of his birth. As a congressional act stated in 1790:

Congress: “And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens.”
Another congressional act in 1795 issued a similar assurance, though it changed the language from “natural born citizen” to “citizen.”
But the State Department clarifies the issue, saying that the 1790 language is honored under section 301(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

July 8 Biden announces: 155 billion in American Hospital Association medicare/ medicare savings to cover health care cost reform
Meanwhile, Obama in Russia, making deal to have our troops access so can use to fly into Afghanistan.

June 30, 2009 American troops leave Iraqi cities to Iraq 50,000 to remain in the country though?...! California gets its greenhouse waiver from the EPA so that we can control our excess greenhouse gases.
June 22, 2009
President Obama signs Federal FDA Tobacco regulation of ingredients and marketing.
8 million Americans suffer from at least one disease caused by cigarettes and 500,000 deaths due to cigarettes are caused each year.
June 20, 2009 Developing Consumer Affairs Department at the Federal Level. Allowed the Census Bureau to begin counting same sex couples. Pledged to get rid of long wording that traps consumers.

June 12,2009 Looks like the FDA will be able to regulate the ingredients in cigarettes. Not allowed to disclose hazardous coal fire powered plants as fly ash that the government considers it a national security issue so that Barbara Boxer cannot get a list of these per Ellen Ratner on Thom Hartmann show .

This past week Dr Tiller was killed and the Holocaust gun shooter showcased White Supremicist
June 9 wants to make law pay as you go and is supporting a public option. I held a meeting for health care reform this past Saturday at Green Sacramento to plan a day of action. 68 billion and a profit to be paid back from the Banks that took from the TARP funds.
President knocked it out of the park with an historic world address from Cairo, Egypt.
Here it is. I am so proud of our beautiful, literate decent leader Right on President Obama! Here is the link to the Cairo Talk PS added effect: I listened to this live during the lightning storms we had last evening- terrific effect.

May 16, 2009 Obama announces with auto execs, new average fuel standards, uniform per California Standards. Two years ago, per Charles Osgood, Republicans predicted job lay offs and loss of revenues if this would occur but now they are onboard and at the actual press conference.
Elsewhere in the week, backed down on the release of torture photos, and the ending of military commission tribunals, though added some conditions to make them less kangaroo.
May 11, 2009 Hillary Clinton announces Sabarius- Iranian reporter for Link TV taken by Iranians is now free. Obama announces health care reform measures have been negotiated.
May 10, 2009 Obama Brings down the House at the Whitehouse Press Dinner

May 9, 2009 per Ring of Fire- Stops funding for Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Receptacle
Bright source (RFK’s company) Southern CA Edison 1.3 gigawatts from geothermal
May 4, 2009 The media’s coverage of the swine flu is winding down as it could be a political standoff between the Mayor of Mexico City and Calderon (per caller to Ed S show and other ramblings)- At any rate, President Obama comes out swinging strongly at the off shore tax havens per the New York Times 2.3% is the effective rate of taxation of these corporations. France says per Hartmann that if a corporation does like Haliburton does, they cannot issue bonds (borrow money). Senate Finance Chair Max Burton, Joseph Crowley, Natalie Rabitz, spokesperson for Senator Barbara Boxer, Citigroup, Proctor & Gamble, EXXON, 1953 at the Massachuessettes State John Kennedy, Dec 3, 1953 to recognize the rights of labor and the obligation of corporations to pay their fair shares of taxes. I would recommend that they restudy the issue as Jacob Marley’s Ghost: in response to Scrooge saying, “You were always a good business man.” To which Marley retorted: “Business! , mankind, the commonwealth, charity mercy, and benevolence were always my business. “ John K finished by saying, “Let us hope our government sees this [wisdom].

April 28, 2009 Back from Mexico, did he bring the swine flu with him? The first 100 days are here:
April 17, see Thom Hartman and Ketih Olberman Torture practices released per Obama however torturers go Scott Free. EPA announces 5 greenhouse gases are a health hazard. Once we pass 350 ppm and if we do not return to beneath that within 10 years, we will melt and the Earth be uninhabitable.

April 16, 2009 Announces we need high speed rail. Banks begin to discuss giving the TARP money back for fear of executive contract restrictions etc. Pelosi to begin investigations on Wall Street. :( Forgave the Bush administration torturers.

April 15, 2009 Judicial Department pulling survelleyance equipment from NSA National Security Agency which was being used for spying on Americans. A law by Congress regarding how long they could listen was violated.

April 13, 2008 Bo Arrives! Ease restrictions on travel and unlimited money transfers to Cuba. Gift parcels. 1.5 million Americans have relatives there.

April 12, 2009 Easter Sunday. The Captain of the Alabama is rescued from Pirates!
April 10, 2009 Bernie Sanders on Thom Hartmann show says 126 Community Health Centers are to be established. 30% of every dollar on health care administration while medicare significantly less Bill Friske makes 3 billion when small hospitals were privatized.
April 9, 2009 CIA Director Leon Panetta announces black site secret prisons are being shut down- CBS World News Round up
April 8, 2009 Defacto defense of Bush’s actions to make telecommunications companies immune from culpability. RE: PHISA Caller to Thom’s show: Clinton and Obama suddenly vote for PHISA after having been tracked to meeting with the Bilderbergs? See link here to April 8 show. Hal Ginsberg on KRXA540 also had another good show on this April 9, 2009
Hal explains the ‘power grab’ as executive orders being signed as reversing much of the Bush era. RE: Corps for student service. This is all voluntary.
Universal Service Act
April 6, 2009 First Iraq veteran’s return in a casket is given access to media permission from Wife per Obama change in administration.

April 1, 2009 At G20 in London, Barack has announced a willingness to re-visit nuclear arms reductions talks with Russia. Katherine Sobelius hearings for Health Care. Her statements are essentially that she does not like abortions, has a track record of reducing them, and does believe in cases of life or death, or rape and incest that these are decisions for the mother and should not be criminalized. She also supports the government working alongside with private insurers to bring health care costs down as these costs have our economy hostage.

March 30 Rick Waggoner CEO of GMC to step down per the request of the President. Energy tax credits and rebates.

Support him on his budget to make sure we get our tax cuts without cutting government services.

March 26, 2009 The 1st web cast
This was fantastic with about 80,000 people online and about 5 million votes for….AB390 question, more commonly known as the legalization of marijuana to which our beloved shook his head and laughed though it felt like jeering if you fully understood the issue. “I don’t know what that says about our online audience. No.”
• Marijuana and hemp are cornerstone species to self-sufficiency and sustainable societies in that to become self-sufficient in food, clothing, medicine, fuel. These were wrongly classified as criminal class 1 drugs because Dupont did not want to compete with rope made from hemp- used right up and through WWII and the Herst Corporation did not want to have to compete with hemp paper, nor the oil companies to compete with it as a fuel, nor the pharmaceutical industry to deal with it as medicine – known to alkalize the body protecting it and reducing cancer while also shrinking tumors and so they had the Congress make hemp illegal. There will always be irresponsible people to allow you to make a case to take anything away from you. Tom Ammiano’s State of California AB 390. See my post at: Be also sure to google the Dr Mollie Fry case in which at least one medical doctors are serving sentences of 5 years in prison. I have to yet research what happened to the second doctor.

Elated but Frustrated with Eric Holder who said we would stop Fed raids on pot clubs, just this past week SF club raided. My experience in is that I do see the results though I was mad about the marijuana issue.

March 25, 2009 George Miller Californian Congressman Chairmen on education house & labor, if we get health care and energy right now- we will save trillions into the future and not keep paying the same old bills
March First Lady begins an organic garden and Maria Shriver will follow.

Held a health care conference and basically told these companies that they had better come up with solutions. Originally, John Conyers was not invited but pressure from the public made this occur.

March 24, 2009
EPA places longer review period on coal plant construction, overturning the Bush late to midnight ruling.

March 23, 2009
FDA now approved Plan B for women.

March 18, 2009
Reported on, Victoria Jones reporter announces 'stop-loss' practices will be ended, or the legislation for ending it was being introduced.... This is good news assuring military persons number of years to serve on their contracts is honored.
Soldiers sign waivers as to whether the media may cover them coming home in caskets!?

March 10, 2009 Spokane Washington story reporting that Obama has restored the Endangered species act and played a recording of him saying we ought to be improving this act that has now for 3 decades provided protections for our other friends. I love President Obama.

March 9, 2009 will reverse embryonic stem cell research and Office of Science & Technology that we base public policy based on science, not politics or serving a political agenda

March 4- cut cost plus contracts from the Military, pull out dates from Iraq. End medical marijuana raids and maybe in general???! 295 Billion since 2001 in 95 major military projects as in Iraq for Sale.
Missing Date: Pay freeze, no gifts over 23 dollars, lobby restrictions time periods between working for his admin staff and any lobby firm, transparency in government, media reform- somewhat being addressed?
Federal money can be used to fund countries family planning programs if their education includes information about abortion.
Day 3 January 23, 2009. Stem cell research ban lifted. Thom Harkin on the Ed S show and the story of the paralyzed rat for which Christopher Reeves said, “oh to be a rat.” Next week Obama to overturn executive order Aug 9, 2001 that Bush signed that prevented any federal funding for stem cell research. The money should go to the researchers within a year from now. Now, if scientists use their money to even search stem cell research, they lose their federal funding. (My own notes: like using the word polar bear and global warming in the same paper). Benefits: reduce health care costs, can end paralysis.
Day 2- (1st full day) January 22, 2009. Guantanamo closed per 16 military officers in favor, see January 22 podcast of Thom and PBC. End secret CIA black site prisons. Torture stopped. 1 other thing as well. Has to re-take oath. Media tries to make hay that all orders need to be re-signed. JR Schulman says Fox News says Obama doesn’t exist!

Day 1- inauguration, becomes President at noon – signs several orders-